Alabama: #1 in a very critical area
My home state takes a lot of knocks for always being near the bottom of any list that gauges some metric for success. Right or wrong (wow, I amazingly even have electricity and web access to post this) the stigma is always there and tough to shake. But as I was browsing the web today I was reminded of one key area where Alabama is usually a clearcut #1.
Whenever you're signing an online form that requires information like name, address, zip code, state you always get a little dropdown box for the state. And who's always the default choice at that top of that list? Alabama. So while Mr. New York is having to hit the dropdown box and scroll down (or typing 'N-E-W-space-Y . . . doh I paused too long in between the space and Y, I don't want Wyoming!') I've already long since tabbed on by the state field to complete my form. My confirmation email is already en route. Eat my dust.
The only exceptions are when they sort the list by state abbreviation (Alaska get its time to shine) or when Canada is thrown into the mix (Alberta eh?) Thankfully, these exceptions are extremely rare and thus do not deter from the new world order where Alabama assumes its spot at the top.
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