A few site updates

I felt like shifting a few things around so I'm trying out a new template I found earlier today. I wanted something with a bit of color that would allow me to organize things a bit better. I like the crisp, vibrant look of it. However, I've still got to touch up a few things.

I've also got to figure out a solution to an IE bug that you might have discovered if you came directly to the post page instead of the home page . . . sorry about that. Eventually some of the feed-driven content on the side will be shifted to the bottom. But until I get the bug figured out I'm not going to mess with it.

Another template I might tinker with is the very Web 2.0-ish Minyx 2.0. I like the very efficient layout, but I don't think it has quite as much personality as this one. Still, I might give it a shot and see what I can do with it. So if you catch the site mid-shift I apologize for the mess.


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